Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My First Post: An Introduction

<Deep breath>


I’m Theresa.

I’m an introvert.

I make English teachers cringe. *

I tend to err on the side of lazy. 

Good start, eh? Stick around. It gets better.

I’m starting this blog in spite of a fear of descending into narcissistic madness and my fear of being fairly judged for such, and other forms of madness. Blogging seems unnatural to me and will definitely push my boundaries. What on Earth has possessed me?

Well, I suppose I enjoy creating. I enjoy shared creativity, despite my initial instinct to make like a hermit and hide. The potential permanence of my stuff online and the possibility of sharing it with my girls also draws me. I hope to connect with others and use it as a tool to enrich my kiddos lives. 
And then there’s the appeal of the organization factor. Oh boy, do I love organization. I intend to document and categorize the mess that is currently jostling around and jockeying for position in my head. Even if no one reads this (likely) I’ll still have a very nice little spot of my own carved out of the blogosphere where I can look back and keep track of our family projects.

Oh, and I read a person can make money blogging! Can’t confirm that. I’m thinking it’s probably an urban legend but it’s a nice thought.

The biggest blogging (feel free to substitute an expletive for blogging. I am.) decision I had to make was whether to write as my wacky, usual self or as a cleaned up, much more appealing version of myself. My conclusion is probably apparent...like the punch line of a “dad joke”. Ba da bump! Get it? The punch line is apparent…a...parent. If it wasn't apparent, it is now. Okay.  Moving on.

I intend to write as I would to a very good friend with the thought in the back of my head that probably no one will read it (because I’m not even going to tell good friends about it). Good plan, eh? 

In conclusion, this is the conclusion. I always wanted to end an English paper this way. Take that you cringing English teachers!*
Like I stated in my about me, if you find you’re similarly quirky, I’d love to hear from you. I’m always looking for kindred spirits. Thank you for taking your time to read.

*I acknowledge the absolute necessity of cringing English teachers and appreciate their sacrifice and struggle. **

**I’m spineless. 

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